Kimi Översti

IEM 2013

Chair of the Board

Noora Rautio

IEM 2017

Treasurer, Memberships, Web and Täyskymppi X4

Anniina Pokki

IEM 2018

Announcements and communication

Harri Koponen

IEM 1992

Member of the Board, relations

Roope Laakkonen

IEM 2020

Member of the Board,

Chair of Kaplaaki ry

Vili Vihtonen

IEM 2023

Täyskymppi X4,

TEK and Alumni officer of Kaplaaki ry

You can reach the members of the Board personally by firstname.lastname@kaplaakinalumni.fi addresses


Operations of the alumni association are managed by a board, which is selected yearly. You may also join as an active during the year as an officer. Tasks mandated by rules are: Chair, Vice Chair and a Treasurer. Tasks other than these are assigned between the Board by following the interests of the Board members' and the needs of the association.

Joining as an active doesn't require you to have prior experience from guild or association activities. Tasks require time several hours monthly on average - depending of the task, own interests, personal life situation and time of the year.

Would you like to hear more? Feel free to send an email to the Chair or alumni@kaplaakinalumni.fi address and lets discuss more!

Your name

Can you still remember the autumn when you started studying IEM?

What would you want to do in an alumni association?